Using Summaries with Blogdown, Hugo and Academic

Hugo generates post summaries based on the beginning 70 words and it should be possible to insert a “Read more” link using the <!--more-->. Unfortunately, the summary isn’t generated and no “read more” link is inserted where I want it to be.

I’m not sure what got lost in the translation between blogdown –> html –> hugo –> Academic theme. The automatically generated summary for this post includes the entire post, of which the beginning is displayed as the summary in confusing unformatted glory like below.

This post is for tracking changes to the theme. How to 
change theme colors: from Leslie Myint This forest 
green theme uses the dark blue menu bar from the dark 
theme # Theme metadata name = "Forest" # Is theme light 
or dark? light = true # Primary primary = "#4caf50" 
primary_light = "#80e27e" primary_dark = "#087f23" # 
Menu menu_primary = "#151723" menu_text = "#fff" 
menu_text_active = "#1b5e20" menu_title = "#fff" # Home 
sections home_section_odd = "rgb(255, 255, 255)" 
home_section_even = "rgb(247, 247, 247)" This dark 
theme is modified from the Academic’s dark theme.

Thankfully, adding summary: "summary snippet here" to the YAML for blogdown will successfully have the summary show up in the description rather than unformatted content.

