Academic Theme Mods

This post is for tracking changes to the theme.

How to change theme colors: from Leslie Myint

This forest green theme uses the dark blue menu bar from the dark theme

# Theme metadata
name = "Forest"

# Is theme light or dark?
light = true

# Primary
primary = "#4caf50"
primary_light = "#80e27e"
primary_dark = "#087f23"

# Menu
menu_primary = "#151723"
menu_text = "#fff"
menu_text_active = "#1b5e20"
menu_title = "#fff"

# Home sections
home_section_odd = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
home_section_even = "rgb(247, 247, 247)"

This dark theme is modified from the Academic’s dark theme.

TOML for the mod below:

# Theme metadata
name = "Dark"

# Is theme light or dark?
light = false

# Primary
primary = "hsl(90, 90%, 68%)"
primary_light = "hsl(90, 90%, 78%)"
primary_dark = "hsl(90, 90%, 58%)"

# Menu
menu_primary = "rgb(20, 22, 34)"
menu_text = "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)"
menu_text_active = "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
menu_title = "#fff"

# Home sections
home_section_odd = "hsla(231, 15%, 18%, 1)"
home_section_even = "hsla(231, 15%, 17%, 1)"

RSS feed when using categories or tags default to the “.summary” in the Academic theme while the main RSS feed for the blog uses “.Content”. Putting the rss.xml into the categories folder in layouts worked. See Hugo’s template lookup order.

Copied academic.css into /static/files/css/ and modified the block for post images starting at line 113 based on this github issue. Now all preview images for posts are smaller and centered.
