
Blogdown - shortcode for radix-like Bibtex

Generating a Bibtex citation in Hugo with a shortcode

Hugo Templating - Adding enclosure image in RSS feed

This is part of more mods for the Academic theme. In this case, I attempted to change the RSS feed to show the header image. R-Bloggers show the first image in the rss feed as the post image rather than the header image specified in the post. So I changed the rss template in the Academic theme to specify a featured image. The comments are most likely incorrect in some places since I am just learning how to use the Hugo templates but the line works.

Use .Rmd for projects in Academic + What happens when embedding a htmlwidget

Yihui’s minimal theme for blogdown is wonderful but the Academic theme by G. Cushen provides several benefits, the main one for me being the site is essentially a better-looking electronic CV. blogdown + hugo also makes it easy for me to add images and keep everything organized on a git repository from within RStudio. Unlike many other themes, Academic has several different page types beyong the typical post such as project, and publication.

Using Summaries with Blogdown, Hugo and Academic

Avoid the mishmash of unformatted text in the summary for a post.

Academic Theme Mods

This post is for tracking changes to the theme. How to change theme colors: from Leslie Myint This forest green theme uses the dark blue menu bar from the dark theme # Theme metadata name = "Forest" # Is theme light or dark? light = true # Primary primary = "#4caf50" primary_light = "#80e27e" primary_dark = "#087f23" # Menu menu_primary = "#151723" menu_text = "#fff" menu_text_active = "#1b5e20" menu_title = "#fff" # Home sections home_section_odd = "rgb(255, 255, 255)" home_section_even = "rgb(247, 247, 247)" This dark theme is modified from the Academic’s dark theme.